EarlyON Child and Family Centres

EarlyON Child and Family Centres are where children, parents and caregivers can laugh, be curious, play, learn, make friends and feel a sense of belonging. We offer a wide range of free programs and services that help your child reach their full ability:

  • Programs for children from birth to six years old
  • Play-based and fun learning activities
  • Information on programs on services where you live
  • Opportunities to meet other families with young children
  • Advice from trained professionals

Family Fun Bingo

Graphic with picture of family tobogganing in snow. Graphic includes EarlyON and Northumberland County logos and text that says 'Play EarlyON Northumberland's Family Fun Bingo. Enter to win an Ontario Parks pass!'Participate in our Family Fun Bingo competition to make lasting memories as you complete fun activities together as a family! All families that participate will receive a small reward and will be entered to win one of two grand prizes including a 2025 Annual Day-Use Vehicle Permit for Ontario Parks.

How to play

  1. Download and print your bingo sheet at home now, or pick up a print copy at your local EarlyON centre starting Tuesday, February 18th.
  2. Mark off spaces on the sheet by completing the activity written in the space. To get a bingo, complete one line of activities (horizontally, vertically or diagonally).
  3. Submit your completed card to your local EarlyON Educator by March 28, 2025 to receive a small reward and to be entered in the random draws for the grand prizes.

Print your bingo sheet

Our programs

EarlyON Northumberland offers free indoor, outdoor or virtual programs for families, including creative activities, hikes, story time, programs for new and soon-to-be parents, and more.

View our program calendar 

Learn more about the programs we offer:

For additional program details and schedules, please refer to our program calendar or follow our Northumberland EarlyON Centres Facebook page, or download our PDF program guide

Our locations

EarlyON Northumberland has eight locations across the county. Families are invited to visit us at the following locations during our scheduled programming:

Outreach programs and partner locations

EarlyON Northumberland also partners with local libraries and community centres to provide outreach programs with unique learning opportunities, activities and outdoor experiences:

For information about upcoming outreach programs, please view our view our program calendar or follow our Northumberland EarlyON Centres Facebook page.

Virtual learning resource

Looking for a fun way to learn together at home? Check out our Language on the Land website to explore the language of the Anishinaabe people, through child-friendly characters that provide cultural tales, word games, and language learning.

Visit the Language on the Land website

Have questions?

Do you have a question about one of our programs or how to register? Please email your local EarlyON educator, using the contact details provided above for each of our locations.